Jack Nicholson

The phenomenal actor Jack Nicholson had just turned 84 last April 22. Jack had already stepped back from acting a few years ago and resided in his Los Angeles estate. Media sources caught Nicholson in public in January of 2019 at a Los Angeles Lakers game with his son Ray. However, this makes his fans wonder: where is Jack Nicholson nowadays? In an interview with Duke, Jack’s grandson, he proclaimed that his grandfather “is doing great” and that “he’s 100 percent.” He also added that the family spends their Thanksgiving at the actor’s home.

Jack Nicholson cemented his fame as one of the greatest actors of his generation. The actor takes credit for starring in some of the most influential films in the history of Hollywood, such as Chinatown and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Nicholson takes recognition for his role in The Shining.
